- Editorship work resulted in getting manuscripts processed (accept/reject/revise) in a timely manner so that my stats look good on the amount of time for turning around manuscripts.
- Presentation preparations resulted in having the powerpoint presentations for the two presentations at APHA ready to be unloaded to its website by the deadline.
- Committee membership attendance resulted in furthering discussions but no decisions with immediate results-some activities fall into the category of fermentation, an important process to arrive at a smooth final product....
- Teacher work included reading the assigned articles to be prepared for class discussion and grading their second assignment papers. Hopefully, the teaching work results in students with enhanced skills and a feeling of being mentored. Some results are more like secondary consequences which are not results for the primary party.
- As an author I worked on one of the many manuscripts in the queue (front and back burners) with the result of inching toward a manuscript for submission - note that I say submission because that is the really the only aspect of authorship that I have direct and sole responsibility for.
So, overall, it it felt like a groove, uncomplicated, focused, doable with no threats or looming deadlines. A groove with results as well as opportunities to have intellectual stimulation.