Yes, it has started all over again. Such is the rhythm of academic life.
As usual, I am teaching the doctoral course called "Foundations of Public Health Inquiry". I really like teaching this course to the second year doctoral students. Over the years that I have been teaching it, I have come to see the pattern of learning that occurs among the students. They begin so naively, optimistically and earnestly. As they get into the middle of the course they begin to doubt themselves, and then the light goes on. And, they see where I have taken them. I love watching them on this journey.
Let's be clear. Having posted minimally over the summer is NOT an indicator of not having been working over the summer. Yes, I took a two week vacation and went to Iceland (the land of fire and ice, literally). But, the rest of the time I was working on: presentations, manuscripts, course preparation, grant management, hiring new RAs, writing and filing annual reports, writing grants, and editorship. Not such a bad list of work activities. Basically, all things that I wanted to be doing.