Life, academic life, has been unfolding in marvelous ways. I can go into details, if you ask, but here's the Cliff Notes version ~
One of the unanticipated benefits of being an Editor involves travel. In February, I went to Milan, Italy to spend a day with health economics and administration faculty at Bocconi University. Naturally, I added a little sightseeing after the work was done. In November, I will return to Italy as invited keynote speaker at an international conference, and again add a few tourist days.
But, travel invitations also come from being recognized as an expert in public health nursing. That's how I got the invitation to speak at a conference in Ireland next year, as well as the invitation to the ASTHO biannual meeting of human resource directors. in May.
I missed going to AcademyHealth in Orlando in June, having gone to the Keeneland Conference in April instead. Well, and truth be told, I had a vacation retreat where I earned nursing CEU for attending a 5 day workshop on Qigong from Dr. Roger Jahnke.
Meanwhile, back at the not-so-ranch, starting with the new academic year, we will have a new Division Director, after much ado. In spring, we lost our Administrative Assistant to cancer and that shook up faculty, especial our cancer survivors. In her position, we now have someone who has brought renewed energy and vision.
My grants keep my busy. The KRISP project is now in a final 6 months of intervention and I will be losing my project coordinator, Hilary. I loss to me, a gain for her. This is how soft-money life goes. The RWJF grant, nicknamed MCAH Preserves just to be cute and unique, is also going well with data focused activities underway.
Now, that gets you caught on the big strokes outline of what has been happening. More details and reflections to follow on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.