PHN Research Agenda

14 September 2010


Normally TGIF means Thank God It's Friday because people are looking forward to a weekend of no work and slack off a bit at the office. Ha! Not me. TGIF has other meanings, innuendos and connotations.

Fridays are busy days for me, usually a full 8 hours at task in the office problem solving and making incremental progress toward some elusive goal. I am one of the very few faculty who teach on Fridays, which is to say that the building has far fewer students and a tiny portion of faculty. After class, I hold office hours and have meetings. Last week I was zooming ~ going from my project office for a teleconference meeting with my co-investigators to a student office for a consult on preparing a presentation then back to my office for a quick scan of email, returning down the 1/2 block hallway (literally) to reassure a student about an assignment. Just another normal Friday. By the time I left shortly after 6pm, TGIF meant Thank God It's Finished.

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