As I was walking toward the elevators to get the week started, a colleauge was coming in to work. I started the ususal chit chat for such circumstances; "So, how was your weekend?" "I'm glad it's over." Huh? She was not forthcoming with an explanation, but we chuckled nonetheless on the irony of her response. That pretty much set the tone for the day, a bit whacky but good.
The day consisted of faculty meeting, a teleconfernece for the AHRQ grant, meeting with project staff, meeting with student to map out a publication, responding to emails (including another Doodle), and working on the promotion papers. Here's the grumble ~ data are collected by the Office of Reseach but not in a format nor with the same information required for the promotion forms. Looks to me like a pretty big communication gap at the university level which results in at least 6 hours of silly work for me. I don't mind working, but this copy and pasting and retyping and having to track down information is such a waste. And, inefficiencies really push my buttons.
I had a breif, pleasant conversation with one of the directors of nursing at a local health department. She had received an email from NACCHO regarding their recommendations for allocation of health reform funds. Fine. Except that public health nurses were not included in a brief list of needed health professionals. YIKES! What were they thinking? At a point in time when health deparrtments are really strapped for funding and looking to cut expenses, nurses are easy targets because they cost so much. Never mind the high rate of return for thier work. I immediately though how can I mobilize the public health nursing associations to take some action? I sent out a email to a listserve and will keep the pressure up. This could get interesting....
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