Two days of long hours and not one item crossed off my list. I'm wondering if I ought to make a list of the tiny things I did accomplish, just so that I can put a line through something....teleconference with KRISP grant co-investigators, met with Proj Coordinator to keep the KRISP project coordinated, responded to student emails asking for appointments and help with practicum objectives, attended a meeting to explain the procedure for seeking promotion, worked on power point presentations, wrote up notes from meetings, responded to emails asking me to respond to a Doodle (an online free meeting scheduling program, LOVE it), and made final edits to a manuscript which I can not yet submit because the editor hasn't changed the status in the online system.
As yo can see, the stumbling block (to feeling productive) was not lack of working. I just could not find someone who would be good for filling in the last slot at the AHRQconference. So, I spent hours online doing lit searches and then reading bios. This exercise gave me a renewed and deeper appreciation of how few scholars can be counted as public health nurse scholars ~ reinforcing the need for the conference and creating a catch-22.
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